Alexander Edwards, 38, dated female music legend Cher, 77, whose net worth was $360M when they first met 15 minutes at Paris Fashion Week, creating a wave of controversy ‘I fell in love with her at first sight’




The whirlwind romance between music producer Alexander “A.E.” Edwards and the iconic Cher has captivated audiences and sparked a wave of controversy, thanks to their significant age difference and divergent backgrounds. Edwards, at 38 years old, found himself drawn to the legendary Cher, who, at 77, had already established herself as a music icon with a net worth of $360 million.





Their encounter at Paris Fashion Week, lasting just 15 minutes, proved to be a catalyst for a romance that would defy expectations and challenge societal norms. Edwards, smitten from the moment he laid eyes on Cher, famously declared, “I fell in love with her at first sight,” setting the stage for a love story that would captivate the world.



Despite the raised eyebrows and speculation surrounding their relationship, Edwards and Cher remained undeterred, embracing their connection and igniting a passionate romance that transcended age and convention. Their love affair, played out on the public stage, became a symbol of love’s boundless nature and the power of genuine connection.